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Client information

The medial session is based on the methods of spiritual healing. As it is important to me that you feel that you are in good hands with me, I would like to inform you of the following legal conditions for the use of the mediumistic session and ask for your acknowledgement and confirmation.

Before the start of the first session, I was made aware of the following points:

1. no diagnoses, therapies or treatments in the medical sense will be carried out or healing in the legal sense will otherwise be practiced.

2. I am aware that Andrea Rawa is not required to have any medical knowledge or skills, so that I do not get the impression that a medical or curative treatment is being carried out.

3. the sessions cannot replace treatment by doctors or alternative practitioners. Cooperation with doctors and alternative practitioners is very important for the activation of self-healing. For this reason, ongoing treatment should not be interrupted or discontinued and any future necessary treatment should not be omitted. The responsibility for my decision lies entirely with myself.

4. no promises have been made to me that a cure will take place.

5. i have been informed that i must consult my doctor for a diagnosis.


6. it is my free responsibility and decision to continue or discontinue the medium's applications.


7. I have been informed that the mediumship session will be carried out via Zoom, remotely or on site and how the fee is calculated.

8. if you are unable to keep your agreed appointment, please let me know in writing 24 hours in advance, as this is the only way to avoid a subsequent charge of 100%.




Additional information:




It may be that the session starts to take effect when the appointment is made.


After the session you should drink enough high-quality water and take space and TIME for yourself and the integration

The session can continue to have an effect for weeks, but everything happens in such a way that it works for you to the right extent

If you have any urgent concerns, I am available via email, but due to time constraints I am unable to provide private support and answer any additional questions that arise that are not related to the session. Therefore there is the mentoring

(I also ask you to respect my private space here)


No alcohol or drugs should be consumed before or after the session, please inform me if you are under psychiatric mediation.

Please do not consume drugs or alcohol on the day of the session, the same applies to the day after the session.


If you are taking medication, please inform me.


Vigilantly and lovingly, connected to the highest source of love, I uncover your potentials and together with the divine source and the light beings I create a field of love and suddenly old loops simply end. Because they are recognized and the wound is transformed into your miracle. Liberating, uncovering and filtering in crystal clear alertness and with my clairvoyant senses is the liberation and the catalyst that very often transforms dense feelings into lightness after the sessions.


As an empathic mediator between worlds, the sessions become the wind beneath your wings to explore new worlds and dimensions. And to experience a phenomenal breakthrough towards liberation. Often after just one session, the wheel of change begins to turn and from this point on, the enthusiasm for being in the here and now returns.





I have read the above information and the privacy policy and agree to it


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